First Presbyterian Church
What’s Happening?
There are many opportunities for you to join and serve with us.
Our Community
We support the following ministries in the Cherryville Area:
Cherryville Area Ministries
Cub Scouts Pack II- meets each Tuesday at 6:30 PM, ages 5-10
Alcoholics Anonymous
Presbyterian Samaritan Counseling Center
Presbyterian Children's Home
Backpack Ministry
Our Backpack Ministry provides food over the weekend to students in need during the school year. Placing food in a backpack is stigma-free way for students to take food home on Fridays to help feed their family.
C.A.R.E.- Christians Activity reaching Everyone
C.A.R.E. is an organized and structured ministry that everyone can be apart of, and it only requires a commitment of one hour per month. The C.A.R.E. Day Ministry is primarily for the visitations of out shut-ins. The Hospital-Bound C.A.R.E. Ministry is primarily for visitations of our members in the hospital. The C.A.R.E. Night Teams send birthday and anniversary cards, and pray for the prayer requests of the congregation. The night teams meet during Wonderful Wednesday at 7:00 PM. To join the care team, please contact the church office.
Our World
First Presbyterian Church extends its love and compassion beyond the boundaries of the Cherryville city limits.
Many organizations and programs are supported in a state, national and international level. These programs are supported through the Western North Carolina Presbytery, The Synod of the Mid-Atlantic, and the General Assembly if the Presbyterian Church U.S.A.
The membership of First Presbyterian is active in its support of mission programs as it realizes the need to extend Christian sympathy and compassion to all regions of the world.

Programs We Support
"5 Cents- A- Meal" Program
Guatemalan Church Partnership
Youth Mission Trips
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance​
And many more!

Guatemalan Church Partnership

Puerto Rico Mission Trip

"Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine you did for me."
Matthew 25:40